ATTN: Struggling Authors & Aspiring Online Entrepreneurs…

ATTN: Struggling Authors & Aspiring Online Entrepreneurs…

New A.I. System Creates Books From Scratch, &

Auto-Posts Them on TWO

Non-Kindle Platforms With 3.6 Billion Hungry Buyers...

FINALLY... A Way to Making Sales Online that Actually Works!

  • 100% Beginner-Friendly!

  • NO Out-of-Pocket Investments

  • NO Tech Skills Needed

  • NO Existing Books Needed

  • Create Books on ANY Subject in ANY Genre from Scratch with AI

  • 1-Click Audiobooks for 2X PROFIT!

  • Sell to Crowd of 3.6B Eager Readers

  • Create UNLIMITED Books & Keep 100% of the Profits from Each Book!

New A.I. System Creates Books From Scratch, &

Auto-Posts Them on TWO

Non-Kindle Platforms With 3.6 Billion Hungry Buyers...

FINALLY... A Way to Make Sales Online that Actually Works!

  • 100% Beginner-Friendly!

  • NO Out-of-Pocket Investments

  • NO Tech Skills Needed

  • NO Existing Books Needed

  • Create Books on ANY Subject in ANY Genre from Scratch with AI

  • 1-Click Audiobooks for 2X PROFIT!

  • Sell to Crowd of 3.6B Eager Readers

  • Create UNLIMITED Books & Keep 100% of the Profits from Each Book!

  • 100% Beginner-Friendly!

  • NO Out-of-Pocket Investments

  • NO Tech Skills Needed

  • NO Existing Books Needed

  • Create Books on ANY Subject in ANY Genre from Scratch with AI

  • 1-Click Audiobooks for 2X PROFIT!

  • Sell to Crowd of 3.6B Eager Readers

  • Create UNLIMITED Books & Keep 100% of the Profits from Each Book!

From The Desk Of:

Andreas Quintana

Alright, let's cut straight to the chase. No fluff ...

You're banging your head against the wall trying to get sales online...

...Or trying to get your books noticed on Amazon, right?

You and a million others.

Here's the solution: STOP wasting your time where the real buyers aren't even hanging out.

Introducing the no-BS strategy...

➡️ Google's A.I. – Google's got AI that's about to write your book. No joke. You talk, it writes. Say “bye Felicia!” to staring at a blank page...

➡️ Google Play & Draft2Digital – Where the real action is. We're skipping the Amazon circus and going straight to the platforms where people actually BUY (and read).

Why? Simple. Less competition, more visibility, actual buyers.

Amazon’s flooded.

Google Play and Draft2Digital are booming!

It’s as easy as 1-2-3:

1. Google AI does the heavy lifting. You bring the ideas, it brings them to life. No ideas? It can help you.

2. You launch on Google Play & Draft2Digital. No more getting lost in the Amazon KDP shuffle.

3. You watch your sales grow where the real book enthusiasts are.

Ready to actually make sales online?

Forget the Amazon hamster wheel...

It's a dead end.

Take the smart route where your books get the attention and the SALES they deserve!

The ONLY person getting rich selling books on Amazon KDP... Jeff Bezos.

I’m telling you... Selling on these other platforms is like night & day in comparison.

People who actually want to BUY and READ your books & come back for more!

From The Desk Of:

Andreas Quintana

Alright, let's cut straight to the chase. No fluff...

You're banging your head against the wall trying to get sales online...

...Or trying to get your books noticed on Amazon, right?

You and a million others.

Here's the solution: STOP wasting your time where the real buyers aren't even hanging out.

Introducing the no-BS strategy...

➡️ Google's A.I. – Google's got AI that's about to write your book. No joke. You talk, it writes. Say “bye Felicia!” to staring at a blank page...

➡️ Google Play & Draft2Digital – Where the real action is. We're skipping the Amazon circus and going straight to the platforms where people actually BUY (and read).

Why? Simple. Less competition, more visibility, actual buyers.

Amazon’s flooded.

Google Play and Draft2Digital are booming!

It’s as easy as 1-2-3:

1. Google AI does the heavy lifting. You bring the ideas, it brings them to life. No ideas? It can help you.

2. You launch on Google Play & Draft2Digital. No more getting lost in the Amazon KDP shuffle.

3. You watch your sales grow where the real book enthusiasts are.

Ready to actually make sales online?

Forget the Amazon hamster wheel...

It's a dead end.

Take the smart route where your books get the attention and the SALES they deserve!

The ONLY person getting rich selling books on Amazon KDP... Jeff Bezos.

I’m telling you... Selling on these other platforms is like night & day in comparison.

People who actually want to BUY and READ your books & come back for more!

Create Brand New Books in Minutes Using AI... Or Start Selling the Books You Already Have...

Have Your Own Books (or PLR) Collecting Dust on Your Hard Drive or on Amazon KDP?

If you’ve already tried selling your own books – or books you have the rights to sell – on Kindle or elsewhere...

Or if you have PLR books sitting on your hard drive...

Why not start making money from them – starting right now?

If you’re an enterprising person... you could even go BUY some PLR (Private Label Rights) books and list them on these platforms using the specific method I revealed in this course!

If you’ve already tried selling your own books – or books you have the rights to sell – on Kindle or elsewhere...

Or if you have PLR books sitting on your hard drive...

Why not start making money from them – starting right now?

If you’re an enterprising person... you could even go BUY some PLR (Private Label Rights) books and list them on these platforms using the specific method I revealed in this course!

Cold Hard Fact:

Over 90% of self-published books sell under 100 copies during their lifetime.

Do you want to be a part of the 10% making sales regularly?

Here's How to Do it...

This isn't just theory, by the way... It's a tried, tested and PROVEN roadmap to your success.

Real steps. Real results. No more guesswork or wishful thinking.

Most struggling authors are doing just that - struggling. Why?

Because they're playing by old rules in a game that's already changed (a while ago)...

Create Brand New Books in Minutes Using AI... Or Start Selling the Books You Already Have...

Have Your Own Books (or PLR) Collecting Dust on Your Hard Drive or on Amazon KDP?

If you’ve already tried selling your own books – or books you have the rights to sell – on Kindle or elsewhere...

Or if you have PLR books sitting on your hard drive...

Why not start making money from them – starting right now?

If you’re an enterprising person... you could even go BUY some PLR (Private Label Rights) books and list them on these platforms using the specific method I revealed in this course!

If you’ve already tried selling your own books – or books you have the rights to sell – on Kindle or elsewhere...

Or if you have PLR books sitting on your hard drive...

Why not start making money from them – starting right now?

If you’re an enterprising person... you could even go BUY some PLR (Private Label Rights) books and list them on these platforms using the specific method I revealed in this course!

Cold Hard Fact:

Over 90% of self-published books sell under 100 copies during their lifetime.

Do you want to be a part of the 10% making sales regularly?

Here's How to Do it...

This isn't just theory, by the way... It's a tried, tested and PROVEN roadmap to your success.

Real steps. Real results. No more guesswork or wishful thinking.

Most struggling authors are doing just that - struggling. Why?

Because they're playing by old rules in a game that's already changed (a while ago)...

But with Google's AI and the power of Google Play & Draft2Digital, you're leveraging cutting-edge technology and untapped markets. This is the inside information you've been missing...

And here's the best part...

You don't need to be a tech wizard. If you can use a smartphone, you can do this. It's designed for real people, not just techies.

Imagine waking up to see your sales have doubled, or even tripled overnight...

Imagine creating a book using AI, publishing it on Google Play and Draft2Digital and making $10 or $50/day from just ONE book – and then doing it over and over again...

That's what happens when you're in front of the right audience.

I’ll Show You How to 2X Your Profits in 1-Click...

There’s a little trick I like to use and I’ll tell you what it is right now...

Inside, I will show you how to turn your book into an AUDIOBOOK in just 1 click.

There are millions of people who prefer to “listen” to their books instead of reading them...

When you tap into this entire market of people -

you can DOUBLE your sales (or more)!

And you can do it in literally 1 CLICK and then later, rinse & repeat over and over again. 

How many books will YOU create?

The Proof is in the Pudding... 

Just so you know I’m not whistlin’ dixie...

Check out my own Draft2Digital Account:

That’s 2,281 book sales on D2D alone!

And here you can see I’ve made €470 from 15 books in 30 Days on Google Play:

Which comes out to $31.33 per book that I’ve uploaded. 

So even if I don’t make any additional sales, but I keep up the same rate of earnings per book... I could expect to potentially earn around 500 bucks for every 15 books I create using AI and upload to Google!

There’s no limit to how many books you can have AI create for you... so the sky's the limit.

How many would YOU create?

But with Google's AI and the power of Google Play & Draft2Digital, you're leveraging cutting-edge technology and untapped markets. This is the inside information you've been missing...

And here's the best part...

You don't need to be a tech wizard. If you can use a smartphone, you can do this. It's designed for real people, not just techies.

Imagine waking up to see your sales have doubled, or even tripled overnight...

Imagine creating a book using AI, publishing it on Google Play and Draft2Digital and making $10 or $50/day from just ONE book – and then doing it over and over again...

That's what happens when you're in front of the right audience.

I’ll Show You How to 2X Your Profits in 1-Click...

There’s a little trick I like to use and I’ll tell you what it is right now...

Inside, I will show you how to turn your book into an AUDIOBOOK in just 1 click.

There are millions of people who prefer to “listen” to their books instead of reading them...

When you tap into this entire market of people - you can DOUBLE your sales (or more)!

And you can do it in literally 1 CLICK and then later, rinse & repeat over and over again. 

How many books will YOU create?

The Proof is in the Pudding... 

Just so you know I’m not whistlin’ dixie...

Check out my own Draft2Digital Account:

That’s 2,281 book sales on D2D alone!

And here you can see I’ve made €470 from 15 books in 30 Days on Google Play:

Which comes out to $31.33 per book that I’ve uploaded. 

So even if I don’t make any additional sales, but I keep up the same rate of earnings per book... I could expect to potentially earn around 500 bucks for every 15 books I create using AI and upload to Google!

There’s no limit to how many books you can have AI create for you... so the sky's the limit.

How many would YOU create?

Here are the SECRETS you will discover inside...

  • The secret AI system to create captivating books for a global audience of 3.6 billion potential buyers.

  • The ease of creating and publishing with ZERO upfront investment – Leveling the playing field for authors and entrepreneurs.

  • The secret to creating books without the need for tech skills or existing content – ideal for beginners and perfect for book authors who want more sales and visibility.

  • How to unlock the potential of any topic in any genre, using advanced A.I. to compose books from scratch, tailored to your vision.

  • DOUBLE YOUR PROFIT potential with the simple 1-click conversion of your books into audiobooks, tapping into the lucrative market of listeners.

  • Reach a crowd of eager readers beyond Amazon, on platforms like Google Play & Draft2Digital, where the thirst for new books is insatiable.

  • Enjoy the freedom to create an unlimited number of books and keep 100% of the profits from each sale, establishing a truly independent publishing empire.

  • Utilize a tested and proven roadmap, no more playing the guessing game with our evidence-based system.

  • Enjoy the simplicity designed for everyday people, not just tech-savvy marketers – if you can navigate a smartphone, you can dominate these platforms.

  • The secret to multiplying your sales overnight, with the potential to earn consistently from each title you bring to life.

  • How to move away from the saturated Amazon marketplace and go to where your work is seen, appreciated, and purchased.

  • Join the smart entrepreneurs who pivot their strategies to align with cutting-edge technology and underutilized markets and secure YOUR place as a successful, modern author!

Let's get real for a second...

This isn't a “get rich quick” scheme.

It's a “get rich smarter” strategy...

You still need to put in the work.

But now, your work will actually pay off...

Why keep throwing your valuable books into the bottomless pit of content that is Amazon?

Instead, put them where people will see them, love them, and most importantly, buy them.

You might be thinking, “But what if it doesn't work for me?”

Here's my promise to you...

When you see sales start rolling in, you'll wonder why you ever bothered with anything else...

This is your chance to stand out. To be the author you've always wanted to be. To actually make a living from your passion...

Remember, according to Einstein - one of the greatest thinkers in human history - the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results...

It's time for a change. It's time to join the ranks of successful authors who've stepped up their game with Google's AI, Google Play, and Draft2Digital...

This is your chance to get instant access right now – at the lowest price this will ever be.

Get Access Right Now For Just $17

Here are the SECRETS you will discover inside...

  • The secret AI system to create captivating books for a global audience of 3.6 billion potential buyers.

  • The ease of creating and publishing with ZERO upfront investment – Leveling the playing field for authors and entrepreneurs.

  • The secret to creating books without the need for tech skills or existing content – ideal for beginners and perfect for book authors who want more sales and visibility.

  • How to unlock the potential of any topic in any genre, using advanced A.I. to compose books from scratch, tailored to your vision.

  • DOUBLE YOUR PROFIT potential with the simple 1-click conversion of your books into audiobooks, tapping into the lucrative market of listeners.

  • Reach a crowd of eager readers beyond Amazon, on platforms like Google Play & Draft2Digital, where the thirst for new books is insatiable.

  • Enjoy the freedom to create an unlimited number of books and keep 100% of the profits from each sale, establishing a truly independent publishing empire.

  • Utilize a tested and proven roadmap, no more playing the guessing game with our evidence-based system.

  • Enjoy the simplicity designed for everyday people, not just tech-savvy marketers – if you can navigate a smartphone, you can dominate these platforms.

  • The secret to multiplying your sales overnight, with the potential to earn consistently from each title you bring to life.

  • How to move away from the saturated Amazon marketplace and go to where your work is seen, appreciated, and purchased.

  • Join the smart entrepreneurs who pivot their strategies to align with cutting-edge technology and underutilized markets and secure YOUR place as a successful, modern author!

Exclusive Bonus Live Training

As an exclusive bonus when you purchase today, I will be giving you access to a special live training session showing you how I made $10,000 in a Month as an affiliate and how you can do the same.

Exclusive Bonus Live Training

As an exclusive bonus when you purchase today, I will be giving you access to a special live training session showing you how I made $10,000 in a Month as an affiliate and how you can do the same.

Let's get real for a second...

This isn't a “get rich quick” scheme.

It's a “get rich smarter” strategy...

You still need to put in the work.

But now, your work will actually pay off...

Why keep throwing your valuable books into the bottomless pit of content that is Amazon?

Instead, put them where people will see them, love them, and most importantly, buy them.

You might be thinking, “But what if it doesn't work for me?”

Here's my promise to you...

When you see sales start rolling in, you'll wonder why you ever bothered with anything else...

This is your chance to stand out. To be the author you've always wanted to be. To actually make a living from your passion...

Remember, according to Einstein - one of the greatest thinkers in human history - the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results...

It's time for a change. It's time to join the ranks of successful authors who've stepped up their game with Google's AI, Google Play, and Draft2Digital...

This is your chance to get instant access right now – at the lowest price this will ever be.

Get Access Right Now For Just $17

To Your Continued Success!

Andreas Quintana

To Your Continued Success!

Andreas Quintana

Side Hustle Academy - © 2024 - All Rights Reserved

Earnings Disclaimer - FTC Compliance - Return & Refund Policy

Support email: andreas @

"The Side Hustle Academy" is not affiliated with, sponsored by, or endorsed by Google LLC. We are a separate entity offering our own products and services. Google™ and any other related Google product names are trademarks of Google LLC, and are used here for identification purposes only.

Side Hustle Academy - © 2024 - All Rights Reserved

Earnings Disclaimer - FTC Compliance - Return & Refund Policy

Support email: andreas @

"The Side Hustle Academy" is not affiliated with, sponsored by, or endorsed by Google LLC. We are a separate entity offering our own products and services. Google™ and any other related Google product names are trademarks of Google LLC, and are used here for identification purposes only.